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domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2008

opinion essay

"You never know who can fall in love with your smile". That common saying may contain some truth, because if you are always with an angry expression maybe people wouldn't be near you. For many people, humour is a style of life like clowns or humorists. It is a way of liberating tensions and energy, very necessary.

In the first place, people enjoy a lot watching people that are laughing because it is contagious. It's obvious that if you start to laugh people around will be attracted by your laugh and will start feeling desire of laughing too.

In the second place, In my opinion, I believe that sometimes it is better to take life with less seriousness. For example, when we are in a mishap without solution, instead of starting despairing why not to laugh at the situation ironically? Humour can provide the distancing necessary to recover from any situation, though any more than in a few seconds. If we have stumbled over a stone, instead of beginning to exploding of anger or to saying swearwords, we will laugh at our own ridiculous.

Lastly, it has always been said that by laughing we use fewer muscles of the face than putting an expression of anger. Then, shall we take the life with a bit more of happiness? I believe in humour and in laughs of the people because it is something contagious that, sometimes, just by seeing someone laughing of happiness transmits a similar feeling instantly.

news recorded

Antioxidants 'cannot slow ageing'

A study says that most of antioxidant creams are worthless.
In London College scientists belive that doesn't exist really a solution for tissue ageing.
In 1956, it was suggested that ageing was caused by a group of molecular damage that reactives forms of oxigen cause. This reactives forms are called superoxides, that are inside our body.
To create these creams sometimes they use nematode worms despite they aren't similar of human race, but these worms can detroy the excess of that oxidizing cells.
However, they have no clear evidence to establish that it is the right solution for the aging of tissues. Scientists don't have a magic bullet. But at least, although not eradicated antioxidants, this makes a health maintenance.

bullet: vareta
worms: cucs
oxidizing: oxidants

sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2008

It's my life

...a translation

English (catalan)
This ain't a song for the broken-hearted ( aquesta no és una cançó pels afligits )
No silent prayer for the faith-departed ( No és cap oració silenciosa dels creients )
I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd ( Jo no seré només una cara entre la multitud )
You're gonna hear my voice (Tu escoltarás la meva veu )
When I shout it out loud (Quan ho cridi als quatre vents ben fort )

[Chorus:] [Tornada:]
It's my life (és la meva vida )
It's now or never ( és o ara o mai)
I ain't gonna live forever ( No viure per sempre )
I just want to live while I'm alive ( Només vull viure mentres estigui viu )
(It's my life) ( (és la meva vida) )
My heart is like an open highway ( el meu cor és com una carretera oberta )
Like Frankie said (com en Frank va dir )
I did it my way ( ho vaig fer a la meva manera )
I just wanna live while I'm alive ( I jon omés vull viure mentres estigui viu )
It's my life ( es la meva vida! )

This is for the ones who stood their ground ( aquesta és pels van resistir al seu lloc )
For Tommy and Gina who never backed down ( Per en Tommy i la Gina que no van retrocedir )
Tomorrow's getting harder make no mistake (Demà intentant més fort no comentre cap error )
Luck ain't even lucky ( la sort no és sempre afortunada )
Got to make your own breaks ( aconseguint els teus propis descansos )

[Chorus:] [Tornada:]
It's my life (és la meva vida )
It's now or never ( és o ara o mai)
I ain't gonna live forever ( No viure per sempre )
I just want to live while I'm alive ( Només vull viure mentres estigui viu )
(It's my life) ( (és la meva vida) )
My heart is like an open highway ( el meu cor és com una carretera oberta )
Like Frankie said (com en Frank va dir )
I did it my way ( ho vaig fer a la meva manera )
I just wanna live while I'm alive ( I jon omés vull viure mentres estigui viu )
It's my life ( es la meva vida! )

Better stand tall when they're calling you out ( millor ser alts quan ells ens cridin )
Don't bend, don't break, baby, don't back down
( no et dobleguis, no et trenquis, no cedeixis )

It's my life! (es la meva vida!)

jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2008

oral presentation

- developing.

1.HELLO EVERYBODY. We are going to start our oral presentation about a topic of Pride and Prejudice. Exactly: Developing Relationship between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy.

2To introduce the developing we are going to explain the character of Elizabeth and Mr Darcy. after That we have selected the 6th most importants meetings between them.

In each one we can see a change in the character's behaviour and how dicrease their pride and take more importance love and feelings.

3Well, Elizabeth it's the main protagonist of the novel. The second daughter of Bennet's family which is not very well considerated because their behaviours and education. She is itelligent and she serch love and happiness within the constraints and proprieties of her society, particulary within arranged engages. Elizabeth has prejudices and because of that she cannot see the realy personality of Mr Darcy with who falls in love.

Mr. Darcy it's a friend of Mr. BIngley who has come to live in Netherfield Park in the same neighbourhood. Primarily seems a proud man who snubs Elizabeth at a public dance in her village. The different opinions of other characters makes that Lizzy takes a wrong image of him. Moreover, Mr. Darcy discriminate Elizabeth because he doesn't think that she is nice and also because her social class.

4. the first time that they meet is in a public ball in Hertfordshire. They are there because Mr. Bingley has rended Nertherfield Park and Mr. Darcy goes with him because they are leal friends. Maybe the ball is dedicated to give the welcome to Bingley and company.
Elizabeth is siting on a chair while Mr. Darcy and Bingley are talking about her. Mr. Darcy doesn't say nothing kind about her. She hears that and her prejudices begin.

5. The second important meeting is in Netherfield Park in BIngley house. Elizabeth goes there because her sister is ill and to take care of her. Mr. Darcy starts to considere Elizabeth unconsciously.
Moreover, when Bennet's family leave at home, Mr. Darcy helps Elizabeth to get into the carriage and he touches her hand. Bouth become desconcerted.

6. In the third important meeting is again in Bingley's house but in a ball. It's amusing because Mr. Darcy invite Lizzy to dance and she accepts although she decided to hate him. While they are dancing they can talk and Elizabeth tried to know more about Wickham and with this question she annoy Mr. Darcy. They are still proud to each other.

7. BOARD let you see waht he said:

8. In Rosings Park they are two meetings.
The first meeting in Rosings we thing that it's important because they equilibrated the tension that was between bouth since this moment. They talk kindly and Mr. Darcy confess that it's difficult to him talk about people who doesn't know. The replied of Elizabeth is that he must practise.
The second meeting in Rosings is outside the house where Mr. Darcy confess his feelings to Elizabeth altough his social position and circumstances. He is sincere despite his shyness.
Elizabeth reject him because she has a wrong image about him because Wickham observations.

9. BOARD Here you can see what he says to declare his love and how she rejects it. Although she started to love him.

10. Elizabeth has already the right image about Mr. Darcy because he wrote a letter to her. In Pemberley they talk to each other nerviously without pride and prejudices.

11.The last most important meeting where we can see their mutual feelings after Lady Catherine has visited Elizabeth the last night.
Mr. Darcy tells his feelings again which are accepted for Lizzy and they becomenge enganged. =)

12. Here you can see how Mr. Darcy repeating his feelings and how he has the hope that Lizzy has changed her feelings.


My opinion:


I think that our oral presentation was attractive because slides had a nice pictures of the film. I think that pictures and the sentences that apear in the film and that we have copied are relevant because are of the important moments of the story.

Body language and eye contact

In my case, I think that I move a lot hands and a little bit my body because I don't like to be all the time static like a not human figure!! But only when I talk, when like talked, I was quiet calm. Also I think that I look at the audience and I only look at the slide when it's necessary for the explanation.
I can see in the video that I don't read a lot from my notes, I only watched their when I was in silence while Laia was talking to do something, maybe =).

Also I think that I do a lot of gestures to hold the attention of my audience because I use a lot my hands to express what I'm feeling when I'm explaining something, specialy in the "fourth meeting of Darcy and Elisabeth" because this moment of the story is very amusing!


I think that we have oranized slides in order of importance because the moments that we have descrived goes with the evolution of the story and in each slide increase the emotion. Well, only is my opinion, of course.
We use the discourse markers to make our ideas more clear in slides. I think that is where it's easier to see that, but when we talk, we change one to other.


I don't think that we have introduced new information to the audience because it's a topic from the story. Maybe the sentences that characters say because I think that while people where reading the book they didn't pay attention to the amusing sentences.
We have looked up the information from the book and the sentences from internet because it's easier to copy directly the sentences of "" or search in google putting the first sentence of that we want to find.
I think that our information wasn't superficial because we have select the most important moments of the story and the intention of each character in each moment and we have descrived detailetly these moments. I think that it's original to put the sentences from book and also a sentence from an image that we found that is " when you touched me, I get a thrill, a thrill that I can't ignore" because it doesn't apears in the book but I think that descrives perfectly feeling of bouth characters in the story between bouth.


We have check our grammar from the grammar book and also from internet.
We searched synonyms and new words like "constraints", "snubs", "shyness". This word, shyness, we wrote it unconsiously, and after when we went to check it, we found that it exists!
I think that we have used linkers like moreover, although, also, and, first, second...
and also fillers, but not in the writted text, I think that this is more espontanious like as you know, well, and isn't it.. words to hold the audience.

Pronunciation & Intonation

I know that I don't pronounce perfectly all my words. I feel that I've got a very catalan accent and it makes ugly my english. It's courious becouse when I talk to english people I hear that my english sounds better, but when I have to talk in english to people who speaks the same language than me, my english it's worse. I checked the pronuncition of some words when we did the oral presentation, and I think that I have said it correct but with the nervous...
I change my voice tone when I said things that are amusing for me and I don't thing that I have used a monotone tone and without interruptions despite when we have to pass the slide or to say something that wasn't write in the first text.


If in each oral presentation we improve, I would like to have an eight because I was very nervous but one time in fornt the audience I was feeling very confident, but I know that it's to wish too. But hope is free =)

Hello every body we are going to tel you a topic of Pride and Prejudice exactly de developing relationship between Elisabeth and Mr Darcy (carles pots passar?) to introduce the topic we have done a description of mr darcy and elisabeth and we have select the most important meetings that they have during the story.

On the other hand we have mr darcy that is a rich man of the hight social position and in the begining he seems a proud man and snubs Elisabeth in the public ball in hemfordshire. but the differents opinions of the other characters specially colonel Wickham makes Elisabeth a wrong image of him and it's the reason that she becomes to had a wrong image of him but also Mr Darcy discriminate Elisabeth beause is not the same social position.

Well the first time that they meet is in a public ball in hemfordshire and we think that this ball is organized to give the welcome to Bingley and company and well, how they meet? Elisabeth is sitting on a chair nearly Bingley and Mr Darcy that they are talking about her but Mr Darcy don't say nothing kind about Elisabeth and here is when started the prejudice of Elisabeth.
-Here you can see that it put "I get a chill when you touch me, thrill that I can't ignore" that is when Mr. Darcy in the film do like ( I move hands) because he is very (it sounds a noise and I cannot listen what I have said).

In the fourth meeting we have included to meetings that bouth ocurres in , in Kent and the first is in Catherine's the Bourg house when Elisabeth is playing the piano as you know sit is imilar in the film, Mr Darcy express that he is not proud, it's becouse he's shy, and is dificult to him express his feelings to people that who don't know and the other...a and the replied that Elisabeth says to Mr Darcy is that he must practise. The second meeting that they have I think that is the must amusing in the story because is when Mr. Darcy shows his feelings to Elisabeth despite the social class and his shyness. But Elisabeth reject him because she knows a wrong things about him because what said Colonel Wickham and well Mr. Darcy said sorry to said that. - Here we can see what Mr. Darcy says to Elisabeth to show that it's difficult to him express his feelings to other people, and bueno, Elisabeth says that he must practise. next please.
- Here we can see when he is showing his feelings and what says Lizzy to reject him, and she says that if this feelings could be repressed util them, why not could be repressed for always, and well. next please.

To finish we have done a conclusion that Elisabeth is the prejudice and Mr Darcy is thepride because Elisabeth in the beginings she takes a prejudice to Mr Darcy because he is a rich man oand f a high social class, and Mr Darcy because that the social class, he can't see the real personality of Elisabeth because how she is of a low social class she couldn't be a nice person or a good woman. and well, At in the end we can see that the bouth social class are in the same position because love put in the same position the two people depite that one is very rich and one poor. and whe have finish our oral presentation.

miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2008

oral presentation comments

Oriol oliva:

He talked about humour in spanish tv. The important things or things that I learnt were that in tv3 is where are a lot of humour. Oriol preferx Plats Bruts of catalan humour and he thing that there's a offensive humour in this tv.
how he speaks? I think that he said a lot "ammm" and he didn't show emotions when they talk about funny things.
Impressions? Visual pictures, he seems calm. =)

Chanez + Fiona:

They talked about sit comes. It started with a Radio organization. It's a kind of comedy and very popular today. An important sit come is The Cossy created in 1984. Also exist science-fiction comedy. They prefer Principe de Bel Air.
how they speak? Their pronunciation is fantastic for me, and they spoke very fluence. =)=)


18 and 19 century.
She talked about Illustration, education to change the society, Rousseau was one of the most important representation of illustration. Girls musted to be acomplished. She has a hard accent but she is calm when talks. I like it. =)

Neus & Marina:

Different kind of love. They talked about platonic love, passion love, arranged married... it's a original topic, I thought before that they will do that topic, it's typical of their.

Anna & Miriam:

How to be a gentleman like Mr. Darcy in our days?
THey talked a little bit of what men have to do when they meet a girl. For example say: "ladies first please", talk without full mouth... I think that bouth have a nice accent in english. =)

Claudia i Carles:

Weddings around the world.
Indian weedding it's very nice, in a garden in the night.. Arabiani'ts unfashionable and strange. I like how Claudia feels confident when she talks although she says that she is nervous... =)
And Carles is clever because with only take a look on the notes he can talk a lot.

Baldiri & Bernardo & Iñaki

19th century.
Poor people vs rich people. RIch people had horses carriages, education in school... and houses where a social place not only a house. (balls) Bernardo talks a lot but for me I think that talks with mouth too close and it's dificult to understand what he said, the other two I can understand better. But three seem calm and confident.

Marina Sarquella:

The main themes in the novel.
Three topics: love, reputation and class but love is the most famous. (I was'nt in class that day, but I know that Marina speaks very well english).

Adrià Carmona:

Types of humour.
Epigram is a short tense to talk about a grup.
Irony most important element in humour.
Clewing is a phisical humour. (also I haven't seen this oral p. but for me it's dificult to understand Adrià when he talks in english..sorry :S)


He starts with a funny monoleg. He hasn't got studies. (Laia talks to me that he was nervous, I don't know ¿?)


Simpsons topic.
sidcome in antena 3. it starts in 1989 it takes pace in Springfield. Adrià talks very good he feels no nervous and he is very friendly. =)=)

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2008


Yesterday I saw the movie of sense and sensibility! In spite of the fact that it is not so exciting or so tense as Pride and Prejudice, it talks about the same topic and almost in the same way also it turns out to be interesting, since really to it frustrated to me very much how the rational sister one was guarding for herself all the feelings, until Edward comes and already she cannot hide any more and she explodes to crying. It's a sad history with a happy ending thanks of the patience of those who really put the love ahead of everything.
This movie is slower and seems that it doesn't advance the history, but ultimately when Marian marries, the poor Will ... makes me sad! But already it's a lesson, for thinking firstly about the money...

When Mr. Henry Dashwood dies, leaving all his money to his first wife's son John Dashwood, because it's a man, his second wife and her three daughters are left with no permanent home and very little income because they are women similar like P&P. Mrs. Dashwood and her daughters (Elinor, Marianne, and Margaret) are invited to stay with their distant relations, the Middletons, at Barton Park, a prayer house.

Elinor is sad to leave their home at Norland because she has become closely relationated to
Edward Ferrars, the brother-in-law of her half-brother John who have now their house. However, they meet new pople, including the retired officer and bachelor Colonel Brandon, who fell in love with Mariane, and the gallant and impetuous John Willoughby, who rescues Marianne after she hurts her ankle running down the mountains of Barton throw the rain.

Willoughby shows love to Marianne, until Willoughby suddenly announces that he must depart for London on business, leaving Marianne lovesick and miserable. Anne and Lucy Steele, arrive at Barton Park as guests of the Middletons. Lucy ingratiates herself to Elinor and informs her that she (Lucy) has been secretly in love to Edward Ferrars for a whole year.

Elinor initially assumes that Lucy is referring to Edward's younger brother, Robert, but is shocked and pained to learn that Lucy is actually referring to her own beloved Edward, because when Edward's mother knows about love between Ed and Lucy she retired the money that must take Ed with the marriage.

At the end Ed married with Elionor, and Marianne married Colonel Brandon, and Willoughby, desolated because he had married with a rich woman to save his future, become sad to know that he never could recuperated Marianne's love.

I've to confess..I'm a lover of this two films..and I'm downloading Becoming Jane, that I know that it will be fantastic too.
