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miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2008

oral presentation comments

Oriol oliva:

He talked about humour in spanish tv. The important things or things that I learnt were that in tv3 is where are a lot of humour. Oriol preferx Plats Bruts of catalan humour and he thing that there's a offensive humour in this tv.
how he speaks? I think that he said a lot "ammm" and he didn't show emotions when they talk about funny things.
Impressions? Visual pictures, he seems calm. =)

Chanez + Fiona:

They talked about sit comes. It started with a Radio organization. It's a kind of comedy and very popular today. An important sit come is The Cossy created in 1984. Also exist science-fiction comedy. They prefer Principe de Bel Air.
how they speak? Their pronunciation is fantastic for me, and they spoke very fluence. =)=)


18 and 19 century.
She talked about Illustration, education to change the society, Rousseau was one of the most important representation of illustration. Girls musted to be acomplished. She has a hard accent but she is calm when talks. I like it. =)

Neus & Marina:

Different kind of love. They talked about platonic love, passion love, arranged married... it's a original topic, I thought before that they will do that topic, it's typical of their.

Anna & Miriam:

How to be a gentleman like Mr. Darcy in our days?
THey talked a little bit of what men have to do when they meet a girl. For example say: "ladies first please", talk without full mouth... I think that bouth have a nice accent in english. =)

Claudia i Carles:

Weddings around the world.
Indian weedding it's very nice, in a garden in the night.. Arabiani'ts unfashionable and strange. I like how Claudia feels confident when she talks although she says that she is nervous... =)
And Carles is clever because with only take a look on the notes he can talk a lot.

Baldiri & Bernardo & Iñaki

19th century.
Poor people vs rich people. RIch people had horses carriages, education in school... and houses where a social place not only a house. (balls) Bernardo talks a lot but for me I think that talks with mouth too close and it's dificult to understand what he said, the other two I can understand better. But three seem calm and confident.

Marina Sarquella:

The main themes in the novel.
Three topics: love, reputation and class but love is the most famous. (I was'nt in class that day, but I know that Marina speaks very well english).

Adrià Carmona:

Types of humour.
Epigram is a short tense to talk about a grup.
Irony most important element in humour.
Clewing is a phisical humour. (also I haven't seen this oral p. but for me it's dificult to understand Adrià when he talks in english..sorry :S)


He starts with a funny monoleg. He hasn't got studies. (Laia talks to me that he was nervous, I don't know ¿?)


Simpsons topic.
sidcome in antena 3. it starts in 1989 it takes pace in Springfield. Adrià talks very good he feels no nervous and he is very friendly. =)=)

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