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martes, 10 de marzo de 2009

second oral presentation


E: Hello today in our program about cities around the world we have two reporters in London! They are Laia and Elisenda and they will tell us something about this city!
L: Hello Elisenda! What are we going to see at first?
E: Well, Laia is now crossing the millennium bridge designed by norman foster. And it’s really modern.
L: Yes, you know that in London there are different kinds of art and designs reflected in buildings!
E: thank you laia, nice theatre, isn’t it?
L: oh yes of course, it was a shame the fire of London.
E: I think that Elisenda is going to show us more about modern designers...
L: yes, good view from the capsules
E: sure, well and now the last land mark and the most representative... Let’s go!
E: thanks laia, and thanks elisenda, I’m sure that people will enjoy London if they go there.
L: of course! Well, that’s all for today, see you in the next programme...
E i L: bye bye!


Hi everybody we’re in London and we are going to be your guide in some London’s most famous sights next the Thames, the river of London, and we’ll tell you some information about them. London, as you know, it’s the capital of both, England and United Kingdom. The etymology of London it’s a mystery.

Hi, how are you today? Well the first sight to comment is the Tower Bridge of London that it was built in 1894. It is a drawbridge that permits pass high boats that they sail in the river. The bridge crosses the River Thames. It has two towers which measure 65 meters of height and 244 of length. Let’s see pictures.

Now we are on the most modern bridge of London and it also crosses the Thames that is called: Millennium is a pedestrian bridge made with steel and the design was very innovative. The south side of the bridge is near [?] the Globe Theatre. The construction began at the end of 1998 and it is done in three sections (of 81m, 144m, and 108m) with a final structure of 325m.

Since opening in March 2000 The London Eye has become an iconic landmark and a symbol of modern Britain. The wheel design was used as a metaphor for the end of the 20th century, and time turning into the new millennium. Passengers in the London Eye's 32 capsules can see up to 40 kilometers in all directions.

It’s the most representative icon of London known around the world. This year it’s the 150th birthday. We call BIG BEN the tower with the clock but really Big Ben is the nickname of the bell of the clock. The hour hand is 2.7 meters long and the minute hand is 4.3 meters long, but the tower measures 81 meters height.


We will talk about the hauses of Parliament, that as a political institution, has developed over hundreds of years. The modern Houses of Parliament have resisted accidents and attacks.


There are ravens around the tower of London there are there because many year ago there was a lot of peope dead there, and the ravens went to eat them. It's a legend that if the ravens escape, the Tower of London will crumble in a disaster. But really It is because it's a tourist atracction. They cut their wings because they don't escape.


Befeeters tell the history of the Tower of London,they are a ceremonial guardians of it.
Their real name is The Yeomen Warders of Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London.
the name become from Beef (PLUS) eater means "someone who eats beef". Many years ago they where payed with a rations of beef from the King's table sometimes.
Tomorrow we have preparated an interview with one of them and a little guide around tower of london and he will tell us the history of the tower.

Then, don’t forget to see that tomorrow!

personal observation about my 2nd oral presentation

My 2nd oral presentation with Laia of this term has been about landmarks of London near the river Thames, London's river. As Laia has said in her opinion, it has been funny because we had been able to recorder our oral presentation as a reportage in London, because we have explained someplaces in front of them.
Also, whe have done it ilke a TV programme, (Travel TV) a programme about places to visit in this case London. Laia and me are the presenters and also the reporters and it seems that we are communicated by television connexion. The reporters are in London, and we stay here talking with them. (with us..)
We have mixtured it with Movie Maker like a video to show it in class. Also, we have put pictures from places that we talk about because in the videos recordered there aren't many minutes dedicated to show the landmarks.

Body language and eye contact:
I think that is more relaxed do it in other place while you are recordering yourself because it's not the same presion that in class. It has been a different experience, nicer I think. I think that I express with my body and with my face expression and that I don't leave the eye contact with the cámera because I felt calm and happy and I think that is important to do a good explanation.

I think that we have structured good our oral presentation because we did an introduction at first, and after we did the explanations of the places that we chose with the essential information. Also, we have structured it in the same order that places are next to the river if you walk around there from Tower Bridge until Big Ben. And at the end, we have introduced the explanations of the presenters to do the oral like a documentary.

We have learnt with the information that we researched at first and I thinkt that people has learnt it too because it's a new importamtion about the places that we talk about. Like the metaphora of the London Eye that wants to represent the change of the new millenium (XX to XXI) or the name of designers. I would belive that everbody has learnt something new about London like Laia and me.

I think that we've used known vocabulary but we had to check some words and sentences to make the oral vocabulary richer or more varied like pedestrian, landmark, drawbridge... and we have used relative pronouns to connect sentences. I think that we have used a understandable and comprehensible language.

Pronunciation & Intonation:
I know that my pronunciation isn't quite perfect but in this oral presentation, maybe because I was very relaxed, I have improve my intonation and pronunciation and it is reflected in the fluidity of my words. A problem in this oral is the noise of the city (cars, buses, people, the rain of the last day...) I think that my voice is more sound that Laia's one maybe because I shouted more or because I was closer to the camera. I think that I talk a quick but also I think that my explanation is comprehensible… but the one think that I'm sure that I have improve is my intonation and and the ability to hold attention with gestures, intonations, ties ... It's a question to improve all the skills that we can.

In general I think that is is a good oral presentation maybe because it is "in live" in the same place of the landmark that we are explaning, and because we could repeat the times that we needed since get the best and nice try. But always it is difficult to put a mark to oneself but I think that it hasn't been a bad oral, contrary, this oral works well, it's suitable. Maybe to get an eight and a half but I think that this is to wish too.

domingo, 8 de marzo de 2009

London Quiz

1. Find the Rosetta Stone? Why is it so important?

We have found it in the British Museum. It is important because it helped to understand a hyeroglyphic and to know more about egiptian culture.

2. What’s the most popular food in London?
May be fish and chips, beans on toasts, roast beef.

3. What time do pubs close? What happens when the bell rings in a pub?
About 12 o'clock on the night. The bell rings to advice taht you can buy the last drink. It's a quarter to close.

4. What’s an ale?
It is a kind of beer brewed by warm fermentation.

5. Name six of the most common ingredients in a traditional English breakfast.
Coffe, eggs and bacon, sausagges, puddings, Bacon and eggs, muffins.

6. The Globe theatre: it’s the same theatre where Shakesperare used to perform his plays? What happened?
Exactly is no t the same because the real one burned on the fire of London 400 years ago aproximatly.

7. What’s the real name of “China Town” street?
Gerrard Street

8. Why are there so many ravens kept in the Tower of London? What do they do to them so as they don’t escape?
Because many year ago there was a lot of peope dead there and the ravens went to eat them. It's a legend that if the ravens escape, the Tower of London will crumble in a disaster. But really It's because it's a tourist atracction. They cut their wings as they don't escape.

9. Have you seen any Beefeaters? What do they do?
Yes, we see one. They talk the history of the Tower of London, are a ceremonial guardians of it.
What’s their real name?
The Yeomen Warders of Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London.
Where does the name Beefeater originate from?
Beef+eater means "someone who eats feef". Many years ago they where payed with a rations of beef from the King's table sometimes.

10. Can you buy a living animal in Harrods? Which one?
Well, we didn't see any animal there but we know that it is possible.

11. What is one of Harrods most important customer?
Paris Hilton

12. Establish the relationship between Diana and the owner of Harrods?

The son of Harrods had a closed relation with Diana. Diana and Mohammed had an accident with their car in 1997 where Diana died. They have a writting to remember them in one of the stairs in Harrods.

13. Where do Londoners celebrate the welcoming of the New Year?
In front of the Big Ben.

14. Who was Nelson? Where can you find his statue?
Nelson's Column was an Almiral andhe has a monument in Trafalgar Square. He died at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

15. Find a Greek God in Piccadilly circus. What’s his name?
Eros. (cupido). An angel of love.

16. Name at least four wax figures you can see in Madame Tussaud’s
Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Bob Marley, Beyoncé, Elvis Presley…

17. What’s the other name given to the London underground?
The Tube (subway)

18. Where was Sherlock Holmes supposed to live?
221b Baker Street, London

19. What are the London Dungeons? What did Londoners use them for?
The London Dungeon was like a prision and now is a tourist attraction that is based in Tooley Street. It shows tortures from the Medieval Age, horrible tortures.

20. What is the newest bridge across the Thames called? Who designed it?
Millenium Bridge. Build by Norman Foster.

21. Where does the Big Ben take its name? What is it?
We call Big Ben all the tower but really Big Ben is the nickname of the bell of the clock on the top.

22. Find all about the Union Jack.
It is a Flag. Is the national flag of the United Kingdom, a mixture of Great Britain, Ireland and Scotland.

23. What does the Monument represent?
Represents the Great Fire of London.

24. Find the Serpentine in Hyde Park, what is it?
It's the river that divides the Park.

25. Add three of you own discoveries.
Some english people it's quiet disagreeable.
They don't cook with oil because it's too expensive there.
There are a lot of Art of the Renaissance.

sábado, 7 de marzo de 2009

oral presentation comments

Adrià Carmona i Jordi Lleixà:
- Travel to London
* Brtisih museum contents egypt mummies
* King's cross station it's wich apears in Harry Potter
A good oral presentation in London, I think that they have talk about interesting things.

Carles i Clàudia
- London
* The fire of london was in 1630 (where burnt the Globe)
* Claudia enjoyed do coffes there =)
They always do a fluid oral presentation. :D

Ariadna Comas
- The British Museum
* MR Gregor president of the Museum
* Egypt and Sudan (140 mummies)
* Asia, Greek and Roman art.
It has a lot of important creations.

Anna and Miriam
- Questions to people in London
* what mens london to people? a home, a conservated culture, modern century.
* What do you think about Obama?
* What do you want for the future of London? Olympics, go in the same way.
*Lot of religions.

- his trip in London
* he went with Baldiri, Eudald, Iñaki, and Bernardo.
* they went to see match in the stadium.

Neus and Marina
- London TV37 programme.
* they talked about things that we learnt in London and doing our oral p.

Baldiri and Iñaki
- in London
* tehy go with Oriol
* British museum was created in 1769
* They went to London eye.

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2009

Description of a hand

The hand is an organ of the human body placed to the extremity of the arms.
It is constituted by bones and cartilages that shape five fingers in every hand.
In addition, it is constituted also of the palm that is softer and smooth, it fills completely of different lines in every subject.
Nevertheless, if that there are similar lines in all the hands: the line of the life and the line of the future. Returning to the fingers we can see that are formed for little bones joined by conjunctions called joints to give mobility.
In addition to the top part of every finger the nails are situated.
The nails are basically calcium and sometimes, when the body lacks calcium, a few white little lines appear.
Then, the hand is a curious organ since it is totally lined and constituted of small parts that do an everything.