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miércoles, 14 de enero de 2009

new nº 2

Kids can make New Year's resolutions, too

Jennifer Shu. M.D. did a study on the intentions of new year of the children according to his ages. Major all that is the child, more serious his intentions turn so this result is tied to the maturity of the individual.
The 5-year-old minor children propose themselves intentions related to his pet, pay attention to mothers, etc.
The children between 5 and 12 relate his intentions in spite of eating healthier, finding the favorite sport or something for what to fight physically, road safety, private not transferable information..
Finally the 13-year-old major children believe in being able to change his vocabulary and adapt it to a more educated level without swearwords, not be aggressive in negative or sressful moments, learn to speak with the adults of the important topics, to help the others...

In conclusion first of all children propose to himself become good to don't make angry mothers, after they tink the tings for his own security and life, and finally children think about the pepole who is around.

CNN news.

swearwords: paraulotes
resolutions: propòsits, intencions.
road safety: seguretat vial.

Elisenda Lladó

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