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my blog 3 trim (last one)

jueves, 29 de enero de 2009

The devil wears Prada

The story begins with a girl who dresses in clothes gone out of fashion and badly combined that prepares to get a job of secretary in one of the fashionable magazines fashionest of the country.
First, the workers of this employment criticize her a bit and she has the sensation that she won't be able with everything since the boss is rather pernickety and calls everybody at all hours as if her personnel, repart of be personnel, were servants 24h a day out and inside the work.

She decides to change thanks to a companion experienced in this work and there does a change of look, which makes impressed another secretary and the boss.

words learnt:
- personnel ( el personal )
- pernickety (quisquillosa)
- rather (més aviat, una mica..)

sábado, 24 de enero de 2009

new nº 3

Wether: a killer.

Today it has past a horrible event.
Three little boys have died in Barcelona becouse of the wind and also there are in the hospital more hurted people. The weather is extremly dangerous today. Wind is destroying electric sticks are falling down and also trees have stood the way of cars on roads.
The meteorologists have announced that the temporary will increase the intensity and that will approach towards the coast.
measurements haven't been yet taken in this zone but the certain thing is that the arrival of a hurricane is sensed beforehand.

Elisenda Lladó tv3 Empuriabrava

Words and phrasal verbs learned:
- how to spell: meteorologists (meteoròleg)
-stick: pal de fusta
- to have stand the way: barrar el pas
- Measurements: mesures de prevenció

39 minuts after my post CNN has post this:

miércoles, 14 de enero de 2009

new nº 2

Kids can make New Year's resolutions, too

Jennifer Shu. M.D. did a study on the intentions of new year of the children according to his ages. Major all that is the child, more serious his intentions turn so this result is tied to the maturity of the individual.
The 5-year-old minor children propose themselves intentions related to his pet, pay attention to mothers, etc.
The children between 5 and 12 relate his intentions in spite of eating healthier, finding the favorite sport or something for what to fight physically, road safety, private not transferable information..
Finally the 13-year-old major children believe in being able to change his vocabulary and adapt it to a more educated level without swearwords, not be aggressive in negative or sressful moments, learn to speak with the adults of the important topics, to help the others...

In conclusion first of all children propose to himself become good to don't make angry mothers, after they tink the tings for his own security and life, and finally children think about the pepole who is around.

CNN news.

swearwords: paraulotes
resolutions: propòsits, intencions.
road safety: seguretat vial.

Elisenda Lladó

jueves, 1 de enero de 2009

new nº1

What's the future for Chupa Chups?
Sweet success on a stick

Chupa Chups is a kind of lollipop created by Josep Bernat in Barcelona in 1958, at this year, one of the most successful sweet companies in history borned. But in 2006 the luck of this company changed. Van Melle who produces Mentos, absorved Chupa Chups company. It finished its catalan identity.
But it's interesting to know that in future, Van Malle, will build a new plant of production in Barcelona again after to have built plants in China and Vietnam. May be it will be a method to recuperate catalan identity.

Elisenda Lladó.

words I've learnt:
- plant of production: planta de producció (industrial)