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lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2008

Discussion essay

computers in the society

Are computers a good invention for the society or not? have computers made the world a better place?
Nowadays, coputers had become an indispensable tool to work, to study and also to play, to comunicate and a lot of more social activities.

It's obvious that computers are a great reducer of time at the moment of doing any writing, work, etc. It's faster to use the computer to search information or send an email than take the encyclopedia or write a letter by hand. But, is this only a solution, or it's better for the people formation?
The fact of containing orthographic correctors, functions like "copy and paste" and all these tools, allow to follow the line of least effort becouse it isn't necessary to pay much attention.
On the other hand, handwriting, the writer must arouse to misatakes that it could make, must know the spelling of the language and in addition he must have care of the presentation.
What does happen with the people who are addicted to computers? In case of absence of these, it seems that the world is going to finish and they could be unable to do a writing without any mistakes. This way so, besides programs like the Messenger that incites to write abridged and the orthographic correctors, creates inept writers.
Repeating that is evident that the computers are faster also is less
trustworthy a lot of information that the network can offer. If the person searching doesn't contrast the first information, maybe could be misinformed.
But the wo
rst thing that it's inherent in computers is the electricity consumption. Can you imagine the amount of energy it consumes the planet only on computers running, in charge of laptop batteries and accessories?
Technology produces ever more quantity and more quickly, leaving obsolete products in a short time, so it creates amount of waste.

Finally, society isn't yet aware of the energy expenditure involved with computers, but it ieists surely a solution with renewable energy. But what can not quell any energy system is the ignorance of virtual writers that are of on the screen and forget the traditional dictionaries and encyclopedias. Computers make all faster in quantity and quality but not in formal and personal growth.

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