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martes, 10 de febrero de 2009

human rights

In my opinion, like Kant said many years ago, we must have human rights because we all together are rational human beings and we have to respect each other. I think that law has to protect the dignity of people and procure to this people a good way of life and at least, a decent livelihood.

Also, I think that law isn’t equal for each sex (women and men) because in some works men get more money than women or if we talk about gender violence, most of the time are the men who mistreat women and very often the law is not aware of the case until it has happened something more serious. But it’s true that we have a lot of Human Rights, some are similar to each other, that we should respect but a lot of people don’t do it, so society falls into a spiral, like the fish that eats its tail, the more uncertainty there is, problems become more and so on until the law will be insolvent and it won’t be able to pay attention to all the problems and we’ll have to do a RESET and start a new structure of laws and a new system of their implementation.

In conclusion, I think that every people must respect human rights in the same way that they want to be respect by others and it should be the more correct way to improve in respect in our society to be an example of respect to other countries or places around de world.

lunes, 9 de febrero de 2009

little soldiers

Help to eradicate the use of girls and children in battles.

In nowadays girls and children are little soldiers that are fighting in at least 17 countries of the whole world.

Girls and children are forced to enter in combat equally; they are exploited in this work and submit to an abominable violence. A possible protocol of the United Nations prohibits the participation of girls and 18-year-old minor children in armed conflicts.
Nevertheless, with supreme frequency this agreement is not applied.

Consequently a renowned campaign has been created: "Campaign red hand" to urge the United Nations in order that they become firmer in front of this situation that commits an outrage against children and 18-year-old minor girls.