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my blog 3 trim (last one)

viernes, 24 de octubre de 2008

news nº3

Catalonia Today. MNAC

Mnac is a national museum of art in Barcelona situated in Monjuïc.
The most visited is romanesque collection because it attracts a lot of people. There are also paintings from Joaquin Soralla painted between 1912 and 1919. This is the new of the museum. ¿why? First, these paintings were in New York but they will arrive in barcelona tihs next February. Mnac has 11 years old, and during these years the number of collections has increased, but no only the number it has increased also the quality of the masterpicies.

- romanesque = romànic (adjective)
- largescale = a gran escala
- comrade = camarada/company


viernes, 10 de octubre de 2008

news nº2

Deaths lead to transplants review

In London, are being examinated the transplants of heart after four deaths after respectives operations in the hospital. A surgeon and a cardiologist will review the nord-west of London.
Last year were 24 death after 30 days of the transplantment. But after the others 4 death haven't been succes anymore.
But it's true that the
National Specialised Commissioning Team and health watchdog the Healthcare Commission will supervise the plant of transplants in hospitals to give security to people because maybe cause could be that bad selection of hearts to put in, in the others bodies.
Opperations had been undertaked for differents doctors so the deaths are casualities but it's better supervise it in case that could repeat in a future.

words I've learnt:

- surgeon --> cirurgià
- be welcome / welcomed --> acollir amb satisfacció ( apart the common mean: "benvingut")
- undertaking --> portar a terme "alguna cosa".

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2008

news nº1

Bigfoot lore alive in Estacada area

Some tourists were 10 miles from Eestacada (USA) and found footprints of 18 inches deep and 69 inches in length. Walkers followed in the footsteps of about a quarter mile. When they realized it was too late, they decided to turn back.
Before leaving, Kiggins wanted to patent his discovery with a photograph and contacted the U.S. Forest Service. Kiggins announced that from his ranch could hear loud cries and grunts. All those screams lasted between 10 to 15 seconds. "
It could be heard miles away."
This is a mistery of USA that exists since many years ago. No body have seen it but this place have a lot of tourists thanks to this. Some hunters had wanted to find it, and it's still a challenge for their.
words I've learnt:

footsteps --> passos
fotoprints--> petjades
hunters --> caçadors

Elisenda LLadó


L: Hello! Long time no see...
E: it's true, too much... we could see us in an other case, no at school :(


L: well, it's the time to start again...the school routine.
E: I know, take it easy RELAX =) it will be hard I'm sure.. but next year we will be already at university.
L: we will see.....
E: yes of course, so imagine we'll arrving with a pink handbag, blond hair, high-heeled shoes and..
L: che che che... First of all we have to pass the exams and also university entrance exam (PAU) so come down to Earth.
E: Okey, we have to find the possitive things, isn't it?
L: yes, I'm more pessimistic than you, but your imagination is excesive.
E: it's trure, it's true... so, how is going your...
L: my TDR? pff... well it's in process but slowly....
E: Yes, I I have problems with my beans too, you know what's about my project, don't you?
L: yes, but what's happened with your beans?
E: They have a little black inescts! I've tu start again the plantation.
L: I see... by the way have you talk with him?
E: NO, I don't feel like doing it. It's story...


L: hurry up! it¡s ringing again the bell.
E: Le'ts go to the class...
L: let's see which teachers we have this year....
